My girls have figured out that Daddy preaches & while they talk about it frequently; they had no idea what that really meant. Until this past Sunday.
The church allows the family to worship together during the "song service" & then they have an amazing little kids sermon before the children are dismissed to their classes. Well, this past Sunday during each song Lily wanted to be held & not just held but she kept laying her head on my shoulder & was becoming more lethargic with each song. At the children's sermon time her cheeks were flushed & she was burning up. I was worried that she was getting sick & developing a fever right before my eyes. I decided to keep her in service with me & once Aubrie caught wind of it she wasn't going anywhere by herself. So with Aubrie on my right & Lily on my lap Bferg began his sermon.
I don't even think he had made it through the introduction when Aubrie (4.5 years old) leaned over to me and whispered, "Dad is awesome at this preaching." It was precious! She was so proud to be her Daddy's daughter & proceeded to sit still & intently listen to all 45 minutes of her Daddy's talk. (I was SO proud!)
That is all the back story to introduce this picture. (And I apologize for the poor is off my phone.)
That evening as dinner was being prepped & prepared, she got my Bible out, set up her own pulpit & just preached her little heart out...for about 45 minutes straight! Ahhh...child like faith! It was such a sweet, sweet time for our family. (Even though she was adamant that we all sit criss-cross applesauce & not talk nor get up. :)
"Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul & with all your strength. These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house & when you lie down & when you get up. Bind them as a sign in your house & let them be as a symbol on your forehead. Write them on the doorposts of your house & on your gates."
Deuteronomy 6:5-9
Our prayer for our children is not that they become pastors. But it is that they love passionately the Lord & serve Him & others all the days of their lives. We are by no means perfect parents but the Lord did give us a reminder Sunday night that our efforts thus far have not been in vain.
And in case you were wondering...Lily was not sick nor feverish. She was just cuddly & a little tired. She too sat through her Daddy's whole sermon with the help of some gum & a pen/paper. :)
I love this so much. It is so hopeful and full of reflection of your love for the Lord and for each other. What blessed little girls to get to have that!
ReplyDeletewell done.