Saturday, September 18, 2010

Song of the "Ouch"

Friday night.  We were welcoming the weekend with wide open arms!  Changing plans we decided to preserve our girls early bedtimes by just doing pizza and a movie night.  At dinner we decided to change plans one more time by mixing in a little play area time and then home by bedtime.

My two sweet girls having so much fun!  Aubrie was quickly befriending other kids and Lily was having a ball practicing her climbing skills.   So, you know that feeling as a Mom that something is about to go wrong?  I had that feeling the whole time we were playing...Aubrie fell and we (Bferg & I) both knew instantly that she broke her arm.

There was never any panic, I just scooped her up and we drove across the street to the Emergency Room.  Aubrie was amazing!  She really only cried when she was unsure of what was going the x-ray and the wrapping of her arm.  I think our calm, reassuring and quiet reaction really helped her stay calm as well.  We called Uncle Justin & Aunt Lindsey to come take Lily home because we wanted at least one kid to get to bed on time.  (We totally owe them dinner because they had just sat down to order when we called!)

 She is in a soft cast right now and we will find out today if she will be put in a hard cast or just stay splinted.  I was so worried about her growth plate being involved but thankfully it looks like its just her forearm.  She slept really good and first thing out of her mouth today was, "Can we go to the park again today?  I promise I won't break my arm again!"


1 comment:

  1. Bless her heart! I can't believe we haven't made a trip to the ER yet with something broken... With a boy, it's bound to happen!
